Loz Moore Photography

The power and magic of social media

Loz MooreComment

The connections made via social media are fast and wide ranging as well as often very interesting.

Yesterday we went for a meal at a restaurant called ‘Street’. I took a photo inside the restaurant with my phone, as you do, and put it on their Foursquare account after a quick edit in Snapseed.

In the photo was their menu with their name at the top so in the car on the way back home I put it on my Instagram account with the hashtag #streetphotography, thinking I was quite witty!

The photo was liked by an established street photographer in London as well as several others so this morning I decided to put a couple of my proper street photos on Instagram, a couple of them taken in Camden London.

The London photos were liked by an interesting lady called Anneke Short who has her own website as well as being one of the founders of the Camden Watch Company.

On her website she has a youtube video of a talk she gave at TEDxLSE2014 about the messages she would give to her younger self; its less than ten minutes long and very interesting – well worth watching.

I have suggested to our marketing department at work that they write a blog article on our website about her talk and the messages therein with a link to her video with her permission.

All this from a photo in a restaurant last night! I may even buy one of her watches!