Loz Moore Photography


Loz MooreComment

We took a trip to York last weekend and were very lucky with the weather. I took a few cameras along as usual! Leave me a comment below if you are interested in the equipment I used.

I visited the York Castle Museum which was great value for money, with plenty to see. Amongst other interesting parts they have recreated a Victorian street scene which if you hang around goes through a full 24 hour cycle with the lights dimming at night and all the sounds to go with it.

A lady dressed in costume was happy to pose for a photo and offered two options - straight face reflecting the time when photos were always long exposure apparently or a smiley face being a bit more up to date. I went for straight

Here are some more photos from the museum including one of a recreated classroom

Before calling into the museum I looked around Clifford's Tower which gives great views across York

This offered a great opportunity to use my fish-eye lens looking down inside the tower from its ramparts

You can't visit York without going to York Minster. I have been inside before and taken photos so here are just a couple from the outside this time

A few minutes from the Minster is York Museum and I came across a falconry display in the grounds. Here are a few brave people lying still while a fly over takes place

Walking back to the car I had to pass down The Shambles

A bigger group of us may go to York next year so we called at Conifer Lake a fishery with accommodation to see what it had to offer. It is very quiet and relaxing and the amenities have been beautifully put together,

Talking about relaxing we went and had a look at a Buddhist monastery. It's normally open to the public but it had shut for a couple of weeks. Here is a photo of the main building together with a small chapel next to it.