Loz Moore Photography


TravelLoz MooreComment

We popped down to Brighton last week for a couple of days to see a band, Lake Street Dive, who were playing at the Komedia on Monday night.

We travelled down on Sunday afternoon so that we could have a full day on the Monday looking around Brighton before the gig in the evening.

I have only been to Brighton briefly a long time ago so couldn't really remember it.

What we found was a typical British seaside town with piers and tall old hotels looking a bit tired along the seafront.

We stayed in a small boutique hotel in one of the side streets of the main promenade, close to the area that has the small shops, restaurants and bars which we enjoyed looking around on the Monday.

As usual I took a a few cameras along. I used my favourite small Sony RX1R during the day walking around and risked taking the Nikon along to the gig. I had no idea whether it would be a problem taking it into the venue or whether I would be able to use it inside.

Took a nice couple of photos with the Sony and used the free Google Nix software for the first time only spending a few minutes on them with some of the standard presets. I need to get into this software more.


I went a bit OTT on the bottom two photos above, playing with the new software.

When we got inside the Komedia venue we were able to grab a seat on the bench seats along the side walls. There are only a few seats available and it does mean that when the place fills up you cant see the stae sitting down due to all the people standing in front of you. HOwever you can see the pictures thrown up on the TV screens beside the stage and the bonus it that if you stand on the seats you can see over everyone's heads. The ceiling is low though so you have to be careful not to bump your own head.

Here is a photo of the lead singer Rachel Price taken standing on the seats. I only had an F4 lens on the camera though as I hadn't planned using it in the venue. I wished I had one of my f1.8 primes with me but they were back at home. I was reasonably happy with the result though.

Here's a couple more photos from walking the streets.

Before we drove home on Tuesday we paid a quick visit to Brighton Marina which looks like a mainly new development, still in progress, which l think will be really nice when finished and I imagine very busy in the summer.